We try our level best to ensure that all the orders are placed. However, please note that there may be certain orders that are not processed and eventually canceled. The reasons include availability, limitations, and quantities for purchase, pricing, and stock information, inaccuracies or errors in product, or other problems identified by our credit department. Our Customer Service Support Team works relentlessly to provide you with convenience during the process. If any order or portion is canceled, they communicate with you. If your order is canceled after the credit charge, the said amount will be credited back to your registered Account.

You can contact our Customer Service in case you wish to cancel any Order. Upon receipt of the cancellation notice, we shall proceed to cancel the order and refund the entire amount (Deducting banking charges or transaction charges that might have been incurred by us. We will not cancel orders that have already been processed by us. In some cases, this is possible only for an hour after you place the order.


The money will be refunded to you in the same mode as the payment was made. If the payment was made by Net-Banking or credit card, we will refund the money to your Credit Card or Net-Banking account within 7 working days. If the payment was made by Cash on delivery (COD) mode, we will refund the money to the registered bank that after some days can be transferred to the Bank Account. User will have to add bank account details to initiate the transfer. The refunds may take 7 Business days to get reflected in your Bank Account

Please feel free to reach out to us by email or contact number if you have any questions.